Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Selamat berpuase sunat enam ye kwn ! ! !

Sailor mad harry rare year ideal fit tree moo lee year. Mar half zeck hair bar teen. Dairy heart tea young too loose eak class. Mar half, I bar roo bar lake dairy LONDON..

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Karangan trbaek!

Pagi itu pagi minggu. Cuaca cukup sejuk sehingga mencapai takat suhu beku. Sebab itu saya tidak mandi pagi sebab air kolah jadi air batu dan air paip tidak mahu keluar sebab beku di dalam batang paip. Pagi itu saya bersarapan dengan keluarga di dalam unggun api kerana tidak tahan sejuk. Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya menemaninya ke pasar. Tetapi saya tidak mahu.....

Selepas emak menikam perut saya berkali-kali dengan garfu barulah saya bersetuju untuk mengikutnya. Kami berjalan sejauh 120 kilometer kerana pasar itu letaknya 128 kilometer dari rumah. Lagi 8 kilometer nak sampai pasar saya ternampak sebuah lori kontena meluru dengan laju dari arah belakang.....

Dia melanggar emak saya. Emak saya tercampak ke dalam gaung. Dia menjerit “Adoi!”. Lepas itu emak saya naik semula dan mengejar lori tersebut. Saya pun turut berlari di belakang emak saya kerana takut emak saya melanggar lori itu pula. Pemandu lori itu nampak kami mengejarnya. Dia pun memecut lebih laju iaitu sama dengan kelajuan cahaya. Kami pula terpaksa mengejar dengan lebih laju iaitu sama dengan dua kali ganda kelajuan cahaya. Emak saya dapat menerajang tayar depan lori itu. Lori itu terbabas dan melanggar pembahagi jalan lalu bertembung dengan sebuah feri. Feri itu terbelah dua.....

Penumpang feri itu yang seramai 100 orang semuanya mati. Pemandu feri itu sangat marah. Dia pun bertukar menjadi Ultraman dan memfire pemandu lori. Pemandu lori menekan butang khas di dalam lori dia..lori itu bertukar menjadi robot Transformer. Mereka bergaduh di udara. Emak saya tidak puas hati. Dia! pun terus menyewa sebuah helikopter di Genting Highlands dan terus ke tempat kemalangan. Dia melanggar pemandu feri yang telah bertukar menjadi Ultraman itu.....

Pemandu feri itu terkejut dan terus bertukar menjadi pemandu feri semula lalu terhempas ke jalanraya. Pemandu feri itu pecah. Pemandu lori sangat takut melihat kejadian itu. Dia meminta maaf dari emak saya. Dia menghulurkan tangan ingin bersalam. Tetapi emak saya masih marah. Dia menyendengkan helikopternya dan mengerat tangan pemandu lori itu dengan kipas helikopter. Pemandu lori itu menjerit “Adoi..!” dan jatuh ke bumi. Emak saya menghantar helikopter itu ke Genting Highlands. Bila dia balik ke tempat kejadian, dia terus memukul pemandu lori itu dengan beg tangannya sambil memarahi pemandu lori itu di dalam bahasa Inggeris.....

Pemandu lori itu tidak dapat menjawab sebab emak saya cakap orang putih. Lalu pemandu lori itu mati. Tidak lama kemudian kereta polis pun sampai. Dia membuat lapuran ke ibu pejabatnya tentang kemalangan ngeri itu. Semua anggota polis di pejabat polis itu terperanjat lalu mati. Orang ramai mengerumuni tempat kejadian kerana ingin mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi. Polis yang bertugas cuba menyuraikan orang ramai lalu dia menjerit menggunakan pembesar suara. Orang ramai terperanjat dan semuanya mati.....

Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya ke pasar untuk mengelak lebih ramai lagi yang akan mati. Di pasar, emak saya menceritakan kejadian itu kepada penjual daging. Penjual daging dan peniaga-peniaga berhampiran yang mendengar cerita itu semuanya terkejut dan mati. Saya dan emak saya terus berlari balik ke rumah. Kerana terlalu penat sebaik saja sampai di rumah kami pun mati. Itulah kemalangan yang paling ngeri yang pernah saya lihat sebelum saya mati.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rahsia Tarikh Lahir ! ! !

Rahsia tarikh lahir
Tarikh lahir kita menerangkan siapa kita, apakah kelebihan kita dan apakahkebolehan kita. Ia juga menunjukkan apakah yang harus kita pelajari dan cabaranyang perlu kita hadapi. Untuk mengetahui nombor lahir kita, kita bolehmencampurkan nombor-nombor tarikh lahir kita sehingga ianya menjadi satu nombortunggal
Contoh:12 April 1974
12 + 4 + 1974 = 1990
1 + 9 + 9 +0 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
1 + 0 = 1(Jadi nombor lahirnya ialah 1)
1. Ketulenan
Hadir dengan idea baru. - Memperolehi sesuatu dengan cara yang tersendiri. -Golongan ini merupakan yang paling jujur dan boleh mempelajari dengan baikteknik diplomasi. - Mereka suka mengambil inisiatif dan suka menjadi yangterbaik dan kebiasannya adalah pemimpin atau boss. - Bekerja sendiri merupakanpilihan terbaik mereka.Perkara yang perlu dipelajari: Idea dan pendapat yang lain mungkin baik ataulebih baik. Berfikirlah secara terbuka.Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 1: Abe, Tom Hanks, Robert Redford,Hulk Hogan, Coral Burnett, Wynona Judd, Nancy Reagan, Requel Welach
2. Pendamai
Dilahirkan sebagai diplomat. - Mereka selalu memikirkan dan peka terhadapkeperluan dan perasaan orang lain sebelum mengambil kira dirinya sendiri. -Secara semulajadi sangat analitikal dan suka mengikut gerak hati. - Mereka tidaksuka bersendirian. -Persahabatan adalah penting buat mereka dan berupayamendorong mereka untuk berjaya di dalam hidup; tetapi mereka sanggup untukbersendirian jika hubungan yang terjalin itu tidak serasi.- Golongan ini secara semulajadi adalah pemalu, mereka patut belajar untukmeningkatkan nilai kendiri (self esteem) dan meluahkan perasaan secara terbukatanpa berselindung.Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 2: President Bill Clinton,Madonna, Whoppi Goldberg, Thomas Edison,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
3. Ceria
Mereka sangat kreatif, so****, mesra, romantik dan mudah dibawa berunding. -Mereka suka memulakan sesuatu tetapi jarang dapat menghabiskannya. -Merekasuka orang lain gembira dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk mencapainya. -Mereka sangat popular dan idealistik.- Golongan ini perlu belajar untuk melihat sesuatu dengan lebih realistik.Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 3: Alan Alda, Ann Landers, BillCosby, Melanie Griffith, Salvador Dali, Jody Foster
4. Konsevatif
Golongan ini sangat peka dan tradisional. - Mereka sukakan arahan dan sesuatuyang rutin. - Mereka hanya akan bertindak apabila faham sepenuhnya tentang apayang sepatutnya mereka lakukan. - Mereka suka bekerja keras dan sangguhmelakukan sesuatu kerja secara sendirian. - Mereka mudah tertarik denganaktiviti luar dan merasai pertalian dengan alam sekitar. - Mereka berupaya untukbersabar, tekun dan adakala dianggap degil.- Mereka harus belajar untuk lebih feksibel dan bersikap lebih baik terhadapdiri sendiri.Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 4: Neil Diamond, MargaretThatcher, Arnorld Schwarzenegger, Tina Turner, Paul Hogan
5. Perintis
Mereka adalah perintis. - Secara semulajadi mereka mempunyai sikap ingin tahudan suka mengambil risiko serta sangat bersemangat (enthusiasm). - Merekaperlukan kepelbagaian dan tidak suka disekat. - Dunia ini adalah sekolah mereka,mereka memerhatikan setiap peluang untuk mempelajari sesuatu daripada setiapsituasi yang ditempuhi. - Persoalan yang bermain difikiran mereka tidak pernahterhenti.- Golongan ini dinasihatkan untuk melihat sesuatu dengan teliti dan mendapatsemua fakta yang diperlukan sebelum membuat sesuatu kesimpulan.Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 5: Abraham Lincoln, ChorlotteBronte, Jessica Walter, Vincent Van Goh, Bette Midler, Helen Kellar dan MarkHamil.
6. Romantik
Golongan ini adalah idealistik dan memerlukan sesuatu sebab untuk berasagembira. - Hubungan kekeluarga yang kuat adalah penting buat mereka. - Perasaanmereka mempengaruhi keputusan mereka. - Mereka sangat suka untuk membantu danmenjaga seseorang. - Mereka sangat setia dan boleh menjadiguru yang terbaik. - Mereka suka seni musik. - Mereka menjadi teman yang setiakepada sesiapa yang menjalin persahabatan secara serius.- Golongan ini harus belajar apakah yang boleh diubah dan apakah yang tidakboleh diubahnya.Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 6: Albert Einstein, Jane Saymour,John Denver, Merly Streep, Christopher Columbus, Goldie Hawn
7. Intelektual
Golongan ini adalah Pencari. Selalu menyelesaikan sesuatu yang tersembunyi, danmereka sukar untuk menerima sesuatu perkara dengan mudah. - Perasaan merekatidak mempengaruhi keputusan mereka. - Mereka suka mempersoalkan apa yang adadisekeliling mereka tetapi mereka tidak suka dipersoalkan. - Mereka kerapdikenali sebagai ahli falsafah dan sangat berpengetahuan dan kadangkalabersendirian. - Mereka gemarkan perkara yang berteknikal dan berkebolehan untukmenjadi penyelidik yang baik dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu perkara. - Merekasangat suka berahsia.- Golongan ini hidup dalam dunia mereka tersendiri dan mereka perlu belajaruntuk menerima kenyataan dunia sebenar.Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 7: William Shakespeare, LucilleBall, Micheal Jackson, Joan Baez, Princess Diana
8. Penyelesaian
Golongan ini adalah penyelesaian masalah. - Mereka adalah profesional, berterusterang, penilai yang baik dan sangat tegas. - Mereka selalu mempunyaiperancangan yang hebat dan suka hidup dalam suasana kehidupan yang terbaik. -Mereka sangat suka mengendalikan manusia. Mereka melihat manusia secaraobjektif. - Mereka akan memberitahu seseorang dengan cara mereka tersendiribahawa mereka adalah ketua.- Golongan ini perlu belajar untuk membuat keputusan berdasarkan keperluansendiri daripada mengikut keperluan orang lain.Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 8: Edgar Cayce, Barbra Streisand,George Harrison,Jane Fonda, Pablo Picasso, Aretha Franklin, Nostrodamus.
9. Pelakon
Golongan ini mempunyai kebolehan untuk menghiburkan orang lain. - Mereka sangatpenyayang dan pemurah. - Dengan daya tarikan yang ada, mereka tidak mempunyaimasalah untuk berkawan dengan sesiapa jua dan pada mereka tiada sesiapapun yangdianggap asing kepada mereka. - Mereka mempunyai personaliti yang pelbagaisehingga menyukarkan orang sekeliling mereka untuk memahami mereka. - Merekaumpama binatang sumpah-sumpah yang boleh berubah dan menyesuaikan diri mengikutpersekitaran. - Mereka mempunyai nasib yang sangat baik tetapi juga bolehmenderita akibat terlalu bergantung kepada nasib dan perasaan (mood).- Untuk berjaya golongan ini perlu membina landasan kasih sayang.Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 9: Albert Schweitzer, ShirleyMacLaine, Harrison Ford, Gloria Steinem, Jimmy Carter, Elvis Presley, purnama17

Thursday, July 16, 2009


ini adalah SAGU SANTAN ! ! !

enak rase nye!

mnis2 taw...

sdp gle wehh..



sdp weh geng aku msk time ptndinagn memasak kt skola..


tp x taw lg la mng ke x..

hopefully mng..

sdp weh!

Doa kn team aku mng eyh..
my team consists of me ( syarif ) , hamiz , amir , badrul
so pray for us..

Friday, July 3, 2009

for fun!

1. Your reading my comment

2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.

4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.

5. Your checking it now.

6. Your smiling.

7. Your still reading my comment.

8. You know all you have read is true.

10. You didnt notice that i skipped 9.

11. Your checking it now.

12. You didnt notice there are only 10 facts

joke only!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Article 1:

The Kiss

1.Kiss on the handI adore you
2.Kiss on the cheekI just want to be friends
3.Kiss on the neckI want you
4.Kiss on the lipsI love you
5.Kiss on the earsI am just playing
6.Kiss anywhere elselets not get carried away
7.Look in your eyeskiss me
8.Playing with your hairI can't live without you
9.Hand on your waistI love you to much to let you go

Article 2:

The Three Steps

1. GirlsIf any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.
2. GuysIf any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.
3....Girls&GuysClose your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.

Article 3:

The Commandments

1.Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
2.Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one..
3.Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.

Here are a few reasonswhy guys like girls:

1.They will always smell goodeven if its just shampoo
2.The way their heads alwaysfind the right spot on our shoulder
3.How cute they look when they sleep
4.The ease in which they fit into our arms
5.The way they kiss you and all of a suddeneverything is right in the world
6.How cute they are when they eat
7.The way they take hoursto get dressed but in the endit makes it all worth while
8.Because they are always warmeven when its minus 30 outside
9.The way they look goodno matter what they wear
10.The way they fish for complimentseven though you both know that youthink she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
11.How cute they are when they argue
12.The way her hand always finds yours
13.The way they smile
14.The way you feel when you see their nameon the call ID after you just had a big fight
15.The way she says 'lets not fight anymore'even though you know that an hour later....
16.The way they kiss whenyou do something nice for them
17.The way they kiss you when you say'I love you'
18. Actually ...just the way they kiss you...
19.The way they fall into your arms when they cry
20.Then the way they apologizefor crying over something that silly
21.The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22.Then the way they apologize when it does hurt.(even though we don't admit it)!
23.The way they say 'I miss you'
24.The way you miss them
25.The way their tears make you want tochange the world so that itdoesn't hurt her anymore..... Yetregardless if you love them, hate them,wish they would die or know that you would diewithout them .... it matters not.

Because once in your life,whatever they were to the worldthey become everything to you.When you look them in the eyes,traveling to the depths of their soulsand you say a million things without trace ofa sound, you know that your own lifeis inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatingsof her very heart.... We love them for a millionreasons, No paper would do it justice.It is a thing not of the mindbut of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.

Now here comes the fun part.You then saythe name of the person you like or love and then the person will say 'I love you,' or ' Will you go out with me? ' Tomorrow! NO JOKE!!!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Origins of Satanism

* Satanism is not a Christian invention* Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions* Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities* Satanism is not about "evil"* Satanism is not an invention of, or a "reaction" to Christianity* Satanism is not a creation of Anton LaVey* Satanism is not about death* True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity to reach equality with the Gods, which was our True Creator (Satan's) intention
Due to centuries of misinformation, lies, and the systematic removal of knowledge, few people these days understand or even know what “Satanism” really is all about.
Christianity has been at liberty to dictate without any opposition, what they CLAIM Satanism to be. In order to accomplish this, the truth had to be destroyed. The Catholic Church (the original Christian Church, from which all Christian sects have evolved), heinously tortured to death and mass-murdered millions of innocent men, women and children in what was known as "The Inquisition." Some children who were burnt to death in what were known as "witch houses" were as young as two years of age.¹
Christians forever rant and rave concerning the "one world order" where all identities, cultures, personal privacies, and liberties will be lost and humanity, after being systematically bar-coded, will be lumped into a one-world slave state. What they fail to see is how their own so-called "religion" and bible have always been and are the roots of and blueprint for this regime. Everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible has been stolen and corrupted from religions predating Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from hundreds to thousands of years. Through Judaism and its tool of Christianity, all of the original spiritual teachings from around the world, (which are CONCEPTS) have been stolen from, lumped together into the "one," and corrupted into Jewish archetypes and characters and fictitious places. This has given the Jewish people as a whole a false history, political power and "spiritual" authority to which they are not entitled.
The bible is a very powerful subliminal tool to control the masses. One can see this is a man-made work as there are endless contradictions. The bible has been systematically drummed into the minds of the populace from a very early age. A lie must always be enforced as opposed to the truth which can stand on its own. Because spiritual knowledge and occult power have been removed and kept in the hands of a "chosen" few, the unknowing populace has been helpless against it. The agenda here is to create a one-world slave state with the "chosen" few ruling at the top. The perpetrators of course blame Satan to create a necessary distraction, while they use occult power to accomplish their ends. They have a history of stealing from and blaming their enemies for everything they really are and do, while always holding themselves in the highest esteem and innocence.
The original religions now known as "Satanism" (by the way, "Satan" means "enemy" in Hebrew), were all based upon what is known as the "Magnum Opus" or Great Work. The one known as "Satan" is our True Creator God. He was prevented by the other Gods from finishing his work on humanity, that of the godhead. The godhead is physical and spiritual perfection. Now, if you continue to read on, I will prove this.
The serpent is seen everywhere in ancient relics and structures. The serpent was held sacred in all areas of the ancient world. Satan is the God Ea, aka ENKI, one of the first of the Nephilim to arrive on this planet and establish the first civilization. In Sumerian mythology, Enki's symbol was always the serpent.The serpent represents the DNA, the life force and the kundalini and has survived as the emblem of the American Medical Association and Veterinary medicine, where it is symbolic of life and healing. Only with the coming of Judeo/Christianity, has this sacred symbol been desecrated and blasphemed.
Nearly all of us are familiar with the term "fallen." This word has been used copiously by Christian clergy to refer to Satan and his Demons. In truth, "fallen" pertains to the kundalini serpent (which has always been associated with our Creator God Satan), which has fallen in humanity as a whole and now lies dormant at the base of the spine. Because of this, humanity as a whole is on a very low level of spiritual understanding. Thoughtless abuses of children and animals, senseless wars, brutality and endless corruption are the results of the fallen serpent.The "Tree of Life" which was stolen from the ancient Pagan religions and found its way into the biblical book of Genesis, was seen in many parts of the ancient world in friezes upon walls of ancient temples and in some tombs. The "Tree of Life" is actually a map of the human soul. The trunk is the spine and the branches are the pathways for the chi (bioelectricity).
The serpent is what empowers the soul, bringing the all-knowing state of super consciousness known as "samadhi." The "Sun-God" in truth is the ball of condensed chi (bioelectricity), which is visualized and circulated through each of the chakras (Gods) to empower and cleanse the soul, using specific meditations. This is stage one of the Magnum Opus.
The stolen accounts in the Judeo-Christian Bible of humans living for hundreds of years or more were taken from the objective of the Magnum Opus.
This is where all so-called "witchcraft" leads to- alchemy of the soul. This is the highest and most profound working of the human mind, that of accomplishing the godhead of which is our birthright given to us from our Creator Satan.
The halo seen in many paintings is the witchpower of the risen kundalini. The Christians stole this concept from the original religions, both east and west. The Buddha is seen with a halo as are many of the Hindu Gods for one example.
The era in which the original religions reigned was known as the "Golden Age." Some 10,000 years ago, the Gods left us. This article is not to go into the details as to how or why. This will be covered in a separate article. The Gods are an extraterrestrial race of beings. As a matter of fact, there have been several different alien races that have lived here on planet Earth, and have taken an interest in human beings, either as friends, enemies, or neutrals.
The main Gods who interacted with humanity and are our creators (through genetic engineering) are the race of Gods known as the Nordics. They live throughout the galaxy in several different solar systems. They are highly advanced in knowledge, intelligence, and in spirit. Some are helpful to humans as are Satan and the Elder Gods who have been labeled as “Demons.” Some are neutral and others are and have been working for our destruction. The background concerning the creation can be found in more detail in separate articles on this website. There has been a war over humanity in which Satan and his Demons wish to give us the knowledge to elevate ourselves to spiritual and physical perfection, while the enemy wishes to keep us spiritually ignorant in order to use our life force (souls) as a free energy supply.In many writings of a spiritual or occult nature, the term "God" or "Gods" was also used to describe the seven chakras. Due to centuries of persecution of those who had spiritual knowledge, doctrines contained many allegories and code words. The number "seven" is repeated endlessly in the Judeo/Christian bible. This is a corruption of the seven chakras of the soul.The original cross was equal armed, as seen in many of the Demon Sigils, with the points (representative of the chakras) flaring out. Other well-known examples are the Nazi Iron Cross and the Bikers' cross. In truth, this is the shape of the human soul, and represents the four elements (fire, earth, air and water) of which the human soul is comprised. The number four was stolen and corrupted in the Judeo/Christian Bible as with the number seven, the most blatant example being the four gospels.
The Tarot, which originated in Egypt and is based upon the constellations (Egypt was the center of Spiritual Alchemy) has evolved into a deck of cards, of which modern playing cards originated after the trump was discarded. The Tarot has a hidden message and instructions for performing the Magnum Opus. From the Tarot, the Jewish invented "Torah" was stolen, with the original teachings being thoroughly corrupted. The Jewish "Torah" is also known as "The Five Books of Moses" (another fictitious Jewish character based upon Sargon and Thutmose) or the "Pentateuch." The five books were rip-offs from the five suits of the Tarot: Wands/Rods (the element of fire), Pentacles/Coins (the element of earth), Cups (the element of water) and Swords (the element of air), with the trump being the aether or quintessence. All five elements form the essence of the human soul (the fifth element of quintessence holds the four together) and are employed in the working of the Magnum Opus.
Each of the Jewish characters and archetypes in the Bible are imposters stolen from Pagan Gods. "Jesus" is NOT a real being, but a CONCEPT. For those deluded Christians who believe they have experienced "Jesus" in reality, they are communing with nefarious extraterrestrial beings. Aleister Crowley while in a trance state, drew a picture of what is known to be "Jehova" (a corruption of "YHVH" another rip-off of the four quarters and elements, making the 'name' pronouncable) and drew a grey. At that time, knowledge of ET's was not widespread and photos of them were non-existent. These same beings are said to have made a deal with the Vatican: souls in exchange for wealth and power in the hands of a few. To accomplish this end, all spiritual knowledge had to be removed. No scam can succeed if the victim has knowledge. In order to be effectively victimized, one must be unknowing. Satan is the bringer of knowledge and enlightenment. He has nothing to hide.
Getting back to the nazarene, the crucifix of which I might add was not seen in any place of worship until after the ninth century and is another rip-off of the four quarters, the Jewish archetype "Jesus/Yeshua" is a CONCEPT. The 33 years he was said to have lived represent the 33 vertebrae of the human spine of which the kundalini ascends. The crucifixion symbolizes the Magnum Opus: the torture, the death, and the resurrection. Origins that symbolize this work include the Egyptian phoenix (born again from the ashes), the Egyptian God Set, who was crucified on a furka, the tale of Isis and Osiris, where Osiris was mutilated into some nine parts and was resurrected by Isis.
The Jewish "Virgin Mary" is a corrupted imposter of Astaroth. Michael the archangel is the same and was stolen from Marduk. Archangel "Gabriel" was stolen from the Egyptian God Thoth, Raphael was stolen from Azazel and Uriel from Beelzebub. Again, another rip-off of the four quarters.
For further information, links are provided at the bottom of this article.
Human sexuality has always been severely regulated and frowned upon by the Christian Church. This is because sexuality and orgasm as the life force are essential to spiritual advancement and the raising of the kundalini serpent. Because the church could not supervise sexual activity, they enforced a doctrine of extreme terror. The populace, stripped of all knowledge and spiritual power (ignorance= fear) fell victim to lies. “Hell” emerged on the scene. The word “Hell” was stolen from the Norse word “Hel” representing the Norse underworld. In truth, "Heaven" and "Hell" are code-words for the base and crown chakras. Every attempt was made by the church to replace any spiritual associations with these numbers and any significant numbers that were related to the human soul such as 144,000, which is the number of nadis within the human body to channel the life force. The number two became synonymous with Satan. The second chakra is sexual in nature and controls human sexuality, so of course any association with two was evil. Blockages in the second chakra keep an individual completely enslaved spiritually as the life force remains completely dormant in the first chakra.
With fear, human beliefs and thoughts can be controlled. Humanity was led to believe this omnipresent and “all-powerful” “God” could know their every little thought and action. Through fear, people began to monitor their own thoughts and actions. The seven sacraments (another rip-off of the seven chakras) of the Catholic Church enforced strict control over every stage of an individual’s life. The most control was exercised through the so-called "sacrament" of “confession.” Through confession, the church had even more control, that of knowing the deepest secrets of the frightened population. This enabled the ruling clergy to have power over kings, queens and other secular monarchy.
Satan tells us in the Black Book (The Al Jilwah), that many writings and texts have been altered. Upon researching the origins of various myths and religions, I find many authors are at a disagreement, both religious and secular. This is due to the Christian Church's systematic destruction and removal of ancient knowledge. To make matters worse, many of the remaining original documents that escaped destruction have been altered.
The Gods left us the truth, inscribed in stone. The pyramids (the pyramids are in the shape of the chakras) have stood against time. It is apparent these ancient monoliths were constructed for future humanity, left to us by the Gods who knew of our fate. These monuments speak for themselves. They were built to reflect the movements of the stars and act as a calendar for beginning the all-important work of the Magnum Opus. The Magnum Opus is normally commenced in the spring, when the Sun enters the sign of Aries, which is known as the "Vernal Equinox." The precise time for beginning this work is at 3 am, which is the hour of Satan. This is the true hour. The fictitious nazarene was said to have perished at 3 pm. 3 pm is actually 15:00, not three and is thus false.
The "Horned God" originates to Sumeria. The Sumerian Gods wore headgear with horns. This predates Judeo/Christianity by thousands of years. Pagan religions were known for their worship of the Horned God. Only with the coming of Christianity, were they repeatedly stamped out, but continued to resurface and survive. Again, the Horned God was maligned and labeled as "evil.The Horned God is a symbol of the the chi, the bioelectrical life-force. This is represented by Mercury, as it is fleeting, until fixed through the Magnum Opus. The glyph for the planet Mercury has the horns.
The carvings and the hieroglyphics on the Temple walls and the pyramids still remain with us today, as evidence of the truth for those who have enough spiritual knowledge to interpret them. This is why the Gods imprinted these into stone. Satanism is based upon the Magnum Opus. All of the Satanic symbols, the emphasis on witchcraft and knowledge; all of these represent the achievement of the godhead. The Magnum Opus is what Satanism is all about: humanity reaching physical and spiritual perfection.
Click on the links below for more information on the origins of Satanism:
The "Temple of Solomon"

Exposing Spiritual Corruption: Spiritual Alchemy & the Bible
How Ancient Pagan Religious Texts have been Descecrated
A History of the Baphomet
Ancient Egypt
The Serpent
The Goat of Mendes
¹ Cassel Dictionary of Witchcraft by David Pickering, article on "Germany", page 108
The Lost Book of Enki; Memiores of an Extra-Terrestrial God by Zecharia Sitchin
Satan Wants You by Arthur Lyons, pp 24-26
The Biography of Satan by Kersey Graves, pp 146- 147
The People of the Sea- The Search for the Philistines by Trude and Moshe Dothan, pp 185- 186
taken from

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Pardon the cliche, but it's one of the holiest of Holy Grails of technology: Wireless power. And while early lab experiments have been able to "beam" electricity a few feet to power a light bulb, the day when our laptops and cell phones can charge without having to plug them in to a wall socket still seems decades in the future.
Nokia, however, has taken another baby step in that direction with the invention of a cell phone that recharges itself using a unique system: It harvests ambient radio waves from the air, and turns that energy into usable power. Enough, at least, to keep a cell phone from running out of juice.

While "traditional" (if there is such a thing) wireless power systems are specifically designed with a transmitter and receiver in mind, Nokia's system isn't finicky about where it gets its wireless waves. TV, radio, other mobile phone systems -- all of this stuff just bounces around the air and most of it is wasted, absorbed into the environment or scattered into the ether. Nokia picks up all the bits and pieces of these waves and uses the collected electromagnetic energy to create electrical current, then uses that to recharge the phone's battery. A huge range of frequencies can be utilized by the system (there's no other way, really, as the energy in any given wave is infinitesimal). It's the same idea that Tesla was exploring 100 years ago, just on a tiny scale.

Mind you, harvesting ambient electromagnetic energy is never going to offer enough electricity to power your whole house or office, but it just might be enough to keep a cell phone alive and kicking. Currently Nokia is able to harvest all of 5 milliwatts from the air; the goal is to increase that to 20 milliwatts in the short term and 50 milliwatts down the line. That wouldn't be enough to keep the phone alive during an active call, but would be enough to slowly recharge the cell phone battery while it's in standby mode, theoretically offering infinite power -- provided you're not stuck deep underground where radio waves can't penetrate.
Nokia says it hopes to commercialize the technology in three to five years.


1. Bulu kening
-Menurut Bukhari, "Rasullulah melaknat perempuan yang mencukur atau menipiskan bulu kening atau meminta supaya dicukurkan bulu kening." Riwayat Abu Daud Fi Fathil Bari.

2. Kaki (tumit kaki)
-"Dan janganlah mereka (perempuan) membentakkan kaki (atau mengangkatnya) agar diketahui perhiasan yang mereka sembunyikan." (An-Nur: 31)Keterangan: Menampakkan kaki dan menghayunkan/melenggokkan badan mengikut hentakan kaki.

3. Wangian
-"Siapa sahaja wanita yang memakai wangi-wangian kemudian melewati suatu kaum supaya mereka itu mencium baunya, maka wanita itu telah dianggap melakukan zina dan tiap-tiap mata ada zina." (Riwayat Nasaii, Ibn Khuzaimah dan Hibban).

4. Dada
-"Hendaklah mereka (perempuan) melabuhkan kain tudung hingga menutupi dada-dada mereka. " (An-Nur : 31)

5. Gigi
-'Rasullulah melaknat perempuan yang mengikir gigi atau meminta supaya dikikirkan giginya.' (Riwayat At-Thabrani)-"Dilaknat perempuan yang menjarangkan giginya supaya menjadi cantik, yang mengubah ciptaan Allah"(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

6. Muka dan Tangan
-Asma Binti Abu Bakar telah menemui Rasullulah dengan memakai pakaian yang tipis. Sabda Rasullulah: 'Wahai Asma! Sesungguhnya seorang gadis yang telah berhaid tidak boleh baginya menzahirkan anggota badan kecuali pergelangan tangan dan wajah saja." (Riwayat Muslim dan Bukhari).

7. Tangan
-"Sesungguhnya kepala yang ditusuk dengan besi itu lebih baik daripada menyentuh kaum yang bukan sejenis yang tidak halal baginya"(Riwayat At Tabrani dan Baihaqi).

8. Mata
-"Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan mukmin hendaklah mereka menundukkan sebahagian dari pandangannya." (An Nur : 31).-Sabda Nabi SAW, "Jangan sampai pandangan yang satu mengikuti pandangan lainnya. Kamu hanya boleh pandangan yang pertama, pandangan seterusnya tidak dibenarkan." (Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud dan Tirmidzi).

9. Mulut (suara)
-"Janganlah perempuan-perempuan itu terlalu lunak dalam berbicara sehingga berkeinginan orang yang ada perasaan serong dalam hatinya, tetapi ucapkanlah perkataan-perkataan yang baik."( Al Ahzab: 32).-Sabda Rasulullah saw, "Sesungguhnya akan ada umatku yang minum arak yang mereka namakan dengan yang lain, iaitu kepala mereka dilalaikan oleh bunyi-bunyian (muzik) dan penyanyi perempuan, maka Allah akan tenggelamkan mereka itu dalam bumi." (Riwayat Ibn Majah).

10. Kemaluan
-"Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan mukmin, hendaklah mereka menundukkan pandangan mereka dan menjaga kehormatan mereka. "(An Nur : 31).-"Apabila seorang perempuan itu sembahyang lima waktu, puasa di bulan Ramadhan, menjaga kehormatannya dan mentaati suaminya, maka masuklah ia ke dalam syurga daripada pintu-pintu yang ia kehendakinya." (Riwayat Al Bazzar).-"Tiada seorang perempuan pun yang membuka pakaiannya bukan di rumah suaminya, melainkan dia telah membinasakan tabir antaranya dengan Allah." (Riwayat Tirmidzi, Abu Daud dan Ibn Majah).

11. Pakaian
-"Barangsiapa memakai pakaian yang berlebih-lebihan, maka Allah akan memberikan pakaian kehinaan di hari akhirat nanti." (Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, An Nasaii dan Ibn Majah).-"Sesungguhnya sebilangan ahli neraka ialah perempuan-perempuan yang berpakaian tapi telanjang yang condong pada maksiat dan menarik orang lain untuk melakukan maksiat. Mereka tidak akan masuk syurga dan tidak akan mencium baunya." (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim). Keterangan: Wanita yang berpakaian tipis/jarang, ketat/ membentuk dan berbelah/membuka bahagian-bahagian tertentu.-"Hai nabi-nabi katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak perempuan mu dan isteri-isteri orang mukmin, hendaklah mereka memakai baju jilbab (baju labuh dan longgar) yang demikian itu supaya mereka mudah dikenali. Lantaran itu mereka tidak diganggu. Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang." (Al Ahzab : 59).

12. Rambut
-"Wahai anakku Fatimah! Adapun perempuan-perempuan yang akan digantung rambutnya hingga mendidih otaknya dalam neraka adalah mereka itu di dunia tidak mahu menutup rambutnya daripada dilihat oleh lelaki yang bukan mahramnya." (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

Renung2 kn dan slamat beramal ! ! !

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Motivasi dan tips untuk anda!

Peperiksaan Merupakan Proses Bagi Menilai Sejauhmana Kefahaman Pelajar Terhadap Pelajaran Yang Telah Dipelajari
Belajar Untuk Belajar-Jangan Takut Pada Peperiksaan-Semua Orang Perlu Menduduki Peperiksaan-Sebenarnya, Kejayaan Dalam Peperiksaan Bergantung Kepada Rajin Dan Cara Belajar.
Kenal Pasti Cara Belajar-Anda Perlu Memilih Masa Untuk Belajar@Mengulangkaji-Berikan Tumpuan Kepada Semua Mata Pelajaran-Disiplin Diri Anda, Lawan Kehendak Yang Negatif.
Klik Read more di bawah untuk bacaan selanjutnya

Follow up:

Teknik Belajar

-Jika Di Amalkan Secara Disiplin Akan Menjadikan Anda Seorang Pelajar Yang Bertanggung Jawab.

-Jika Anda Dapat Merancang Teknik Belajar Yang Berkesan Ia Akan Menghasilkan Sesuatu Yang Positif.

Sikap Di Dalam Kelas

-Pelajar Yang Berjaya,Adalah Mereka Yang Berkelakuan Baik Di Dalam Kelas, Terutama Semasa Cikgu Mengajar.

-Mereka Memberi Tumpuan Dan Tidak Menjadi Virus Kepada Orang Lain.

Masa Dalam Kelas Sangat Penting-Tumpukan Sepenuh Perhatian Kepada Penerangan Guru.

-Sekiranya Guru Membuka Perbincangan Dalam Kelas, Ambil Bahagian.

-Kemukakan Masalah Terhadap Apa Yang Anda Tidak Faham

Buat Persediaan Sebelum Masuk Ke Kelas

-Baca Buku Sebelah Malam,Kerana Ia Akan Memudahkan Anda Memahami Apa Yang Di Terangkan Oleh Guru.

-Baca Bahan Bacaan Tambahan,Seperti Majalah Atau Bahan Dari Internet.

Bina Keyakinan Diri Semasa Didalam Kelas

-Kenalkan Diri Anda Dengan Guru

-Bersedia Untuk Mempelajari Sesuatu Subjek Itu.

-Jangan Lupa Bawa Buku Teks

-Bawa Buku Catatan Semasa Di Dalam Kelas.

-Buat Semua Tugasan Yang Di Berikan Oleh Guru Anda

Mendengar Secara Berkesan

-Mendengar Dan Memberi Perhatian Memudahkan Anda Mengingat Kembali Apabila Membuat Ulangkaji.

-Fokus Kepada Apa Yang Di Sampaikan Oleh Guru Anda

-Jangan Berangan-Angan Dalam Kelas.

Belajar Merancang Masa

-Jangan Pilih Mata Pelajaran Yang Di Gemari Sahaja.

-Jangan Habiskan Waktu Dengan Menonton Televisyen.

-Buat Jadual Belajar Yang Padan Dengan Kemampuan Anda.

Buat Jadual Waktu Belajar

-Cuba Kenalpasti Pelajaran Apa Yang Anda Lemah.

-Pastikan Setiap Hari Anda Belajar, Sekurang-Kurangnya Satu Jam Untuk Setiap Pelajaran.

Dan Dalam Masa Seminggu Semua Anda Telah Pelajari/Buat Latihan
Bosan,Bosan Apa Ubat Nya

-Cuba Tanya Diri Anda, Mengapa Sering Rasa Bosan.

-Lawan Diri Anda Atasi Bosan.

-Jika Ada Masalah Peribadi Cepat-Cepat Selesaikan.

-Tanya Mengapa Anda Perlu Belajar.

Untuk Motivasikan Diri Anda.
Strategi Ulangkaji

-Mulakan Ulangkaji Awal-Awal Lagi.

-Punca Malas Belajar Kerana Kita Tidak Faham-Baca Berulang Kali, Baca Semua Buku Dan Baca Nota.

-Bincang Dengan Rakan-Rakan
Teknik Membaca-Berlatih Baca Dengan Pantas, Supaya Anda Boleh Baca Berulang Kali.

-Catatkan Masa Yang Anda Ambil Untuk Membaca Sesuatu Topik.

Buat Nota Dengan Baik

-Buat Nota Atau Ambil Nota Di Dalam Kelas Secara Teratur.

-Tulis Nota Anda Supaya, Anda Minat Untuk Membacanya.

-Gunakan Pen Penanda Untuk Ayat Dan Perkataan Penting.

-Buat Nota Berasaskan Tajuk Dan Rajah Untuk Mudah Faham.

Manfaatkan Bahan Rujukan

-Gunakan Bahan Rujukan Lain Untuk Membantu Kefahaman Anda,Gunakan Kamus,Ensiklopedia Sains,Tata Bahasa Dewan, Ensiklopedia Britannica.

-Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

Persediaan Pada Hari Peperiksaan

-Buat Ulangkaji Sepintas Lalu, Sentuh Semua Tajuk.

-Tumpukan Perhatian Pada Proses Ulangkaji

-Jangan Fikir Lagi Perkara Lain Yang Anda Tidak Faham.

-Tidur Dengan Cukup Menjelang Hari Peperiksaan

-Pastikan Jadual Peperiksaan Ada Dan Lihat Jadual Dengan Betul.

-Bentuk Kumpulan Untuk Buat Ulangkaji Secara Berkesan.

-Pastikan Anda Tiba Awal

-Elakkan Dari Berbual Kosong-Pastikan Semua Keperluan Cukup
Persediaan Emosi

-Elakkan Perselisihan Faham Dengan Rakan

-Menjaga Hati Ibu Bapa

-Tidak Bercinta

-Terlalu Yakin

-Prasangka Negatif Kepada Orang Lain
Persediaan Fizikal

-Mengutamakan Kesihatan Badan

– Tidak Tidur Larut Malam

– Menjaga Keselamatan Diri

– Makan Makanan Secukupnya

– Riadah Yang Ringan,Sekitar 20minit Sehari

Persediaan Mental

-Jangan Menyerah Kalah,Cepat Berputus Asa

-Tiada Gambaran Yang Negatif, Jangan Fikirkan Yang Bukan-Bukan

-Berfikiran Positif, Tidak Bimbang Keterlaluan

Strategi Cemerlang Peperiksaan

-1-Mulai Sekarang Bersedia Untuk Belajar-Buat Jadual Belajar Untuk Peperiksaan

-Mengingati Tajuk-Buat Nota

Strategi Cemerlang Peperiksaan

-2-Latih Diri Anda Untuk Peperiksaan

-Latih Mengeluarkan Maklumat Dengan Banyak, Cepat Dan Tepat-Latih Dalam Tempuh Masa Yang Ditentukan

- Mencari Sebab Tidak Tahu

Mengatasi Persoalan Seperti

-Saya Tidak Tahu Dimana Patut Bermula

-Terlalu Banya Untuk Dibaca Sedangkan Peperiksaan Makin Hampir-Subjek Ini Cukup Membosankan

-Anda Baca Dan Faham, Tapi Tak Mampu Ingat Persoalan

- 2-Anda Rasa Anda Faham Apa Yang Dibaca. Anda Rasa Anda Telah Mengingatinya

-Terlalu Banyak Untuk Dihafal

-Tadi Anda Masih Ingat Tetapi Kenapa Kini Anda Lupa

-Anda Suka Belajar Disaat-Saat Akhir

Masa Depan Yang Cerah-Pelajar Yang Berjaya Akan Mempunyai Masa Hadapan Yang Lebih Baik.

-Kehidupan Yang Lebih Baik.

Kata Hikmat

-Keadaan Hidup Saya Tidak Akan Berubah Sekiranya Saya Tidak Berubah

-Jika Anda Gagal Merancang,Anda Merancang Untuk Gagal.Jadi,Rancanglah Kerja Anda Dan Laksanakan Rancangan Itu.

Kata Bestari

-Minda Kita Adalah Seperti Payung Terjun.Ia Hanya Berfungsi Sekiranya Ia Terbuka.

Choose wisely!!!

0 - Ugly.
1 - Single.
2 - Heartbroken.
3 - Single and loving it.
4 - Want to tell someone you like him/her
5 - Crushing.
6 - Like someone you can never have probably.
7 - Taken by the best girl/boy ever. :)
8 - eaten animal crackers for dinner
9 - always Missing him.
10 - always Missing her.
11 - Single but my heart is taken.
12.... Like over 4 girls/guys.
13 - its whatever
14 - Sick of getting hurt.
15 - Confused.
16 - a fighter
17 - Talking to someone.
18 - afraid to say i love you
19 - I am a power ranger.
20 - Slightly mad at the opposite sex.
21 - Still love your ex.
22 - Just don't know what to do.
23 - Like someone that likes u back but not going out.
24 - think you're a jedi in training
25 - you bought a koala and lost


Monday, June 8, 2009

What If Condom Had Sponsor ? ? ?

just for laugh ! ! !

* Nike Condoms: Just do it.

* Toyota Condoms: Oh what a feeling.

* Diet Pepsi Condoms: You got the right one, baby.

* Pringles Condoms: Once you pop, you can't stop.

* Mentgs Condoms: The freshmaker.

* Flinstones Vitamins Condom Pack: Ten million strong and growing.

* Secret Condoms: Strong enough for a man, but pH balanced for a woman.

* Macintosh Condoms: It does more, it costs less, it's that simple.

* Ford Condoms: The best never rest.

* Chevy Condoms: Like a Rock.

* Dial Condoms: Aren't you glad you use it? Don't you wish everybody did?

* New York Lotto Condoms: 'Cause hey -- you never know.

* California Lotto Condoms: Who's next?

* Avis Condoms: Trying harder than ever.

* EverReady Condoms: Keeps going and going ...

* KFC Condoms: Finger-Licking Good.

* Coca Cola Condoms: Always the Real Thing.

* Microsoft Condoms - Where do you want to go today?

* Lays Condoms: Betcha can't have just one.

* Campbells Soup Condoms: Mm, mm good.

* Timex: Takes a licking and keep on ticking.

* McDonald's: Over 1 billion served.

* Volkswagon: Drivers wanted.

* Porsche: There is no substitute

* What was that brand of women's high heel shoe?: Looks like a pump, feels like a sneaker.

* Quaker Oats: Do the right thing.

* Life Cereal: He Like's It! He Like's It!

* Johnson & Johnson: No more tears...

* Wheaties Condoms: Condom of Champions

Saturday, June 6, 2009

wallpaper tht i created! Judge IT ! ! !

video klakar kowt..hehe!

this video is best among the better!


interesting too..


tgk la sndiri

mmg nmpak silly..

tp korg leh buat ker..?

judge it!


btw ;

Credits to Hanim n me for making this video!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Be honest, who were you texting a little while ago?
syafiqah( she's cute ) .

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Oh , somebody .

What is something that you realized today?
i feel dizzy .

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Haha , ade ke? , dont give a damm and i dont think so .

Who was the first person you talked to today?
My mom .

How late did you stay up last night, why?
2.59 am , onlining .

Could you go a month without cursing?
idk .

Have you ever ridden a horse?
Yes , when i was in primary school .

You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?
lychee juice .

Are you anything like you were at this point last year?
idk , haha .

Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't?
Of coz! , yes .

Do you think you are a good person?
How should i knw ? people..can u pls tell me..

Do you miss the way things used to be?
Yeah , bersama dia .

Are you a patient person?
yes. sometimes..

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
nope ,

Are you afraid of death/dying?
Yeah , and im nt ready for it .

How's your heart lately?
Just fine n okay .

When was the last time you cried?
Oh , bile ek..? . mne ade . dh lme kot x nanges .

Think a lot before you fall asleep?
Yup , always .

Who would be the first person to know if you got pregnant?
hey bodo aku laki la . bongek !

Would it be a bad thing if the father of the baby was the last person you had sex with?
im not gay n aku xske buat bende tlarang .

Do you care what others think about you?
Yes , i do . sometimes .

Do you enjoy late night phone conversations?
entah .

Were you happy when you woke up today?
Yeah becouse i can msging n call somebody .

Do you know how to change a diaper?
Haha , ape tu? , pampers ek ?

What were you doing at 8 this morning?
mengelamun atas katil .

Where is your phone?
On my left .

What are you excited for?
haha . yeah . sambung tido .

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
still sleeping . :)

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?
haha . adeleeee .

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
Haha , of coz not ! . :D

Who was the last person you rode in the car with that was under 21?
my brother .

Do you have curly hair?
dulu . not now .

What's the last piercing you got?
xde kott .

Are you mad at anyone right now
No .

Would you like receiving flowers or do you think that's tacky?
sorry , bt kau memang bodoh .

Who was the last person you slept in a bed with?
xde coz aku tdo sorg2 .

Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
Not really .

Are you happy at the moment?
Yeah , i had a great day today .

Whens the last time you had a headache?
Tadi .

Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone?
ade leee . rahsia .

How do you feel right now?
Tired plus a lil sleepy .

Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
Nope .

Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone a lot?
When i met her . selalu kott

What are you most anxious/?excited for?
Study ? huh ? .

Would you be able to date someone who doesnt make you laugh?
No . bodoh xnk aku bosan .

If you could go back in time, how far back would you go?
Before i do something stupid to her .

Whats the one thing you do when you're mad?
just keep quiet . saba dulu

Have you ever had someone sing to you?
Haha , ade ade ,

Last person who told you things were going to be okay?
Oh , someone . :)

What's something you really want right now, be honest?
dslr . :)

Last thing you touched not computer-?related??
printer . i need to fix it

Does the song you're currently listening to remind you of anyone specific?
Yes , its remind me of her a lot .

Other than surveying, what are you doing right now?
Rep cmmnt . mkn .

Does it annoy you when people say they'll call but never do?
Haha , no . ta kesah

Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/?girlfriends at the same time?
no n 1 cukup . :)

Do you believe what goes around comes around?
Yeah . alaa.. mcm boomerang .

najwa (krk)
sayang amira (krk)

Monday, May 4, 2009

DITAG oleh dia or deya!
1. Apakah hubungan awak dengan dia?
= kami kawan rakan dan teman!
2. 5 impressions terhadap si dia???
= baik
= kreatif
= inovatif
= hebat
3. Perkara yang paling memorable yang dia lakukan kat awak???
= x igt!
4. Perkara yang paling memorable yang dia cakap kat awak???
= entah =)
5. Kalau dia kekasih awak... awak akan...
= hmmm..
6. kalau dia jadi musuh anda... anda akan...
= bebaik ngn dye..coz x elok musuh lame2..
7. kalau dia jadi kekasih anda.. dia perlu improve dlm...
= dlm...sume segi la..
8. kalau dia jadi musuh anda... mungkin kerana...
= mungkin...
9. overall impression ttg dia...
= good
10. the most desirable thing to do to her/him???
= cucuk hidung dgn lidi..hahaha!
11.apakah anda rasa ttg pandangan org terhadap anda???
= friendly kott
12. the character of u for urself...
= periang!
13. on contrary, the character u hate about u..
= seorang pemalas!!!
14. the ideal person you want to be with..
= ntah la..HEBAT!!!
15. for people who lyke u... tell something about them...
= thx! i like u too
16. ten people you tag..
  1. aj
  2. ayesha
  3. darweena
  4. hanan
  5. hanim
  6. lisa
  7. sayang
  8. zamri
  9. dan
  10. sesiape jeee!

pnt duh bwat TAG - TAG nih..

Friday, May 1, 2009



1-what is your name

: Syarif

2-a four letter word


3-A boy's name

: Syukri

4-A girl's name

: Saodah ( hehe )

5-An occupation

: Superman

6-A colour

: Sun colour

7-something u wear

: Short pants

8-a food

: Satey

9-Something found in the bathroom

: Soup ( best ) , Shower

10-a place

: Sunway Lagoon

11-a reason for being late

: Saya minta maaf!

12-something u shout

: Sayang!!!

13-a movie title

: Step up

14-something u drink

: Soya?

15-a musical group

: Sawan's group

16-an animal

: Siakap

17-a street name

: Syarif's street

18-a type of car

: Savvy

19-title of song

: Sayang Sayang Sayang..

Thursday, April 23, 2009


im ur big fans..

u'r cute..comel sangat2!

i love to see u when u act..


so cute..besides, i love her songs

trutamenye lagu u say aku

ITU JEE ! ! !

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You'll cry if u read this..if not there's notning for u left!!!

When you were 8 years old, your mom handed you an icecream.You thanked her by dripping it all over your

lap..When you were 9 years old, she paid for piano lessons.You thanked her by never even bothering to

practice..When you were 10 years old she drove you all day, from soccer to football to one birthday party

after another.You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back..When you were 11 years

old, she took you and your friends to the movies.You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row..When

you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows.You thanked her by waiting until she

left the house..When you were 13, she suggested ahaircut that was becoming.You thankedher by telling her

she had no taste..When you were 14, she paid for a month away at summer camp.You thanked her by

forgetting to write a single letter..When you were 15, she came home from work, looking for a hug.You

thanked her by having your bedroom door locked..When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her

car.You thanked her by taking it every chance you could..When you were 17, she was expecting an important

call.You thanked her by being on the phone all night..When you were 18, she cried at yourhigh school

graduation .You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn..When you were 19, she paid for your college

tuition, drove you to campus carried your bags.You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you

wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends..When you were 25, she helped to pay for your wedding, and

she cried and told you how deeply she loved you.You thanked her by moving half way across the

country..When you were 50, she fell ill and needed you to take care of her.You thanked her by reading about

theburden parents become to their children.And then, one day, she quietly died..And everything you never

did came crashing down like thunder on YOUR HEART..& If you love your MOM & you have to thank her

deeply..THE END!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Korang pilih la mne korang nak!!!

( '',)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

10 tanda-tanda seseorang jodoh kita

1. Gunakan seluruh panca indera
Jodoh adalah perkara yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Tuhan yang maha esa. Tetapi bagaimana kita hendak mengetahui dia memang ditakdirkan untuk kita? Tuhan mengurniakan manusia telinga untuk mendengar, mata untuk melihat dan akal untuk berfikir. Jadi gunakan sebaik-baiknya bagi mengungkapkan rahsia cinta yang ditakdirkan. Dua manusia yang rasa mereka dapat hidup bersama dan memang dijodohkan pasti memiliki ikatan emosi, spiritual dan fizikal antara keduanya.Apabila bersama, masing-masing dapat merasai kemanisan cinta dan saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain. Lalu gerak hati mengatakan, dialah insan yang ditakdirkan untuk bersama. Benarkah ia seperti yang diperkatakan? Berikut adalah 10 petanda yang menunjukkan dia adalah jodoh kita.
2. Bersahaja
Kekasih kita itu bersikap bersahaja dan tidak berlakon. Cuba perhatikan cara dia berpakaian, cara percakapan, cara ketawa serta cara makan dan minum. Adakah ia spontan dan tidak dikawal ataupun kelihatan pelik.Kalau ia nampak kurang selesa dengan gayanya, sah dia sedang berlakon. Kadang-kadang, kita dapat mengesan yang dia sedang berlakon. Tetapi, apabila dia tampil bersahaja dan tidak dibuat-buat, maka dia adalah calon hidup kita yang sesuai. Jika tidak, dia mungkin bukan jodoh kita.
3. Senang bersama
Walaupun kita selalu bersamanya, tidak ada sedikit pun perasaan bosan, jemu ataupun tertekan pada diri kita. Semakin hari semakin sayang kepadanya. Kita sentiasa tenang, gembira dan dia menjadi pengubat kedukaan kita.Dia juga merasainya. Rasa senang sekali apabila bersama. Apabila berjauhan, terasa sedikit tekanan dan rasa ingin berjumpa dengannya. Tidak kira siang ataupun malam, ketiadaannya terasa sedikit kehilangan.
4. Terima kita seadanya
Apapun kisah silam yang pernah kita lakukan, dia tidak ambil peduli. Mungkin dia tahu perpisahan dengan bekas kekasihnya sebelum ini kita yang mulakan.Dia juga tidak mengambil kisah siapa kita sebelum ini. Yang penting, siapa kita sekarang. Biarpun dia tahu yang kita pernah mempunyai kekasih sebelumnya, dia tidak ambil hati langsung. Yang dia tahu, kita adalah miliknya kini.Dia juga sedia berkongsi kisah silamnya. Tidak perlu menyimpan rahsia apabila dia sudah bersedia menjadi pasangan hidup kita.
5. Sentiasa jujur
Dia tidak kisah apa yang kita lakukan asalkan tidak menyalahi hukum hakam agama. Sikap jujur yang dipamerkan menarik hati kita. Kejujuran bukan perkara yang boleh dilakonkan. Kita dapat mengesyaki sesuatu apabila dia menipu kita.Selagi kejujuran bertakhta di hatinya, kebahagiaan menjadi milik kita. Apabila berjauhan, kejujuran menjadi faktor paling penting bagi suatu hubungan.Apabila dia tidak jujur, sukar baginya mengelak daripada berlaku curang kepada kita. Apabila dia jujur, semakin hangat lagi hubungan cinta kita. Kejujuran yang disulami dengan kesetiaan membuahkan percintaan yang sejati. Jadi, dialah sebaik-baik pilihan.
6. Percaya Mempercayai
Setiap orang mempunyai rahsia tersendiri. Adakalanya rahsia ini perlu dikongsi supaya dapat mengurangkan beban yang ditanggung.Apabila kita mempunyai rahsia dan ingin memberitahu kekasih, adakah rahsia kita selamat di tangannya? Bagi mereka yang berjodoh, sifat saling percaya mempercayai antara satu sama lain timbul dari dalam hati nurani mereka.Mereka rasa selamat apabila memberitahu rahsia-rahsia kepada kekasihnya berbanding rakan-rakan yang lain. Satu lagi, kita tidak berahsia apa pun kepadanya dan kita pasti rahsia kita selamat. Bukti cinta sejati adalah melalui kepercayaan dan kejujuran. Bahagialah individu yang memperoleh kedua-duanya.
7. Senang Bekerjasama
Bagi kita yang inginkan hubungan cinta berjaya dan kekal dalam jangka masa yang panjang, kita dan dia perlu saling bekerjasama melalui hidup ini. Kita dan kekasih perlu memberi kerjasama melakukan suatu perkara sama ada perkara remeh ataupun sukar.Segala kerja yang dilakukan perlulah ikhlas bagi membantu pasangan dan meringankan tugas masing-masing. Perkara paling penting, kita dan dia dapat melalui semua ini dengan melakukannya bersama-sama.Kita dan dia juga dapat melakukan semuanya tanpa memerlukan orang lain dan kita senang melakukannya bersama. Ini penting kerana ia mempengaruhi kehidupan kita pada masa hadapan.Jika tiada kerjasama, sukar bagi kita hidup bersamanya. Ini kerana, kita yang memikul beban tanggungjawab seratus peratus. Bukankah ini menyusahkan?
8. Memahami diri kita
Bagi pasangan yang berjodoh, dia mestilah memahami diri pasangannya. Semasa kita sakit dia bawa ke klinik. Semasa kita berduka, dia menjadi penghibur. Apabila kita mengalami kesusahan, dia menjadi pembantu. Di kala kita sedang berleter, dia menjadi pendengar.Dia selalu bersama kita dalam sebarang situasi. Tidak kira kita sedang gembira ataupun berduka, dia sentiasa ada untuk kita.Dia juga bersedia mengalami pasang surut dalam percintaan. Kata orang, 'lidah sendiri lagikan tergigit, inikan pula suami isteri'. Pepatah ini juga sesuai bagi pasangan kekasih.Apabila dia sentiasa bersama kita melalui hidup ini di kala suka dan duka, di saat senang dan susah, dialah calon yang sesuai menjadi pasangan hidup kita.
9. Tampilkan kelemahan
Tiada siapa yang sempurna di dunia. Tipulah jika ada orang yang mengaku dia insan yang sempurna daripada segala sudut.Pasti di kalangan kita memiliki kelemahan dan keburukan tertentu. Bagi dia yang bersedia menjadi teman hidup kita, dia tidak terlalu menyimpan rahsia kelemahannya dan bersedia memberitahu kita.Sudah tentu bukan senang untuk memberitahu dan mengakui kelemahan di hadapan kekasihnya. Malah, dia tidak segan mempamerkan keburukannya kepada kita.Misalnya, apabila dia bangun tidur ataupun sakit dan tidak mandi dua hari, dia tidak menghalang kita daripada melawatnya. Apabila kita dan dia saling menerima kelemahan dan sifat buruk masing-masing, memang ditakdirkan kita hidup bersamanya.
10. Kata hati
Dengarlah kata hati. Kadangkala, manusia dikurniakan Tuhan deria keenam yang dapat mengetahui dan memahami perasaan pasangannya.Dengan deria batin ini juga kita dapat saling tahu perasaan masing-masing. Kita dan dia juga dapat membaca fikiran antara satu sama lain dan dapat menduga reaksi dan tindak balas pada situasi tertentu.Apabila kita yakin dengan pilihan hidup kita, tanyalah sekali lagi. Adakah dia ditakdirkan untuk kita? Dengarlah kata hati dan buatlah pilihan. Serahlah segalanya pada ketentuan yang maha berkuasa.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Cerita Menarik !

Seorang pemuda hensome yang sedang mabuk, berjemur dipantai tanpa pakaian menutup tubuhnya.
Ketika dia melihat seorang anak gadis kecil lebih kurang berumur 7 tahun berjalan melintasinya, Dengan pantas dia menutup bahagian tubuhnya yang tertentu dengan buku yang sedang di bacanya.
Kerana hairan, anak gadis kecil itu berkata, "Abang, apa abang tutup dengan buku tu?" tanya gadis kecil sambil menunjuk ke arah buku.
Kerana malu, pemuda itu menjawab,"Ah tidak ada apa-apa. ini hanya seekor burung pipit?" Seekor burung pipit?" tanya gadis itu kebingungan.
Betul, hanya seekor burung pipit," jawab pemuda lebih tegas.
Setelah gadis kecil itu pergi berlalu, si pemuda kembali membaca buku sambil meneguk minuman kerasnya. Tak lama kemudian, si pemuda tertidur.
Ketika terbangun, dia berada di hospital dan merasa sakit yang amat sangat.
Seorang polis menanyainya, "Apa yang terjadi?" "Saya tidak tahu.
Saya sedang berjemur di pantai, lalu ada gadis kecil bertanya sebentar dan tidak lama setelah dia pergi saya tertidur dan kini tiba- tiba berada di sini.
Polis itu pergi ke pantai mencari gadis kecil dan bertanya, "Apa yang kamu lakukan terhadap lelaki yang sedang berjemur itu tadi?"Gadis kecil itu menjawab, "Saya tidak melakukan apa-apa terhadap abang tu pon.
Cuma waktu dia tidur, saya main dengan burung pipitnya.
Tapi tidak lama kemudian, burung itu meludahi muka saya.
Karena itu saya patahkan leher dan paruhnya, saya pecahkan telur-telurnya & saya bakar sarangnya!

" Nota : Jangan cuba temberang budak kecik.. susah nanti... renung - renungkan dan selamat beramal !!! "

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sambunagn Cerakah Hill ! ! !

macam ARTIS!


kami hebat!

sjuk ttp bgmbr bersame!

semua ksejukan!

senior bsame adek wani..

cantek kott..


sing together!!
lagu ape ek..? =D



hot to go! ( GELEK )


pendapat anda?

menggunakan kipas apetah..

mereka bersemangat..

org kate mkcik tu tgh urut aku..
kuang ajo btul..
burger sdp duh..
syarif (BIRU)syafikah(MERAH)mai(TUDUNG)

Cikgu tercinta!
Ckg Zainal
sbelah kiri ckg adalah Lydia
sbelah kanan aku..
rmbut plek sbb pkai cekak..
rimas sbb rmbut pnjg..

1st time pgg heler

senior - senior!

Cerakah Hill ! ! !

camp thun ni la pling best..
bcuz..this year rmai senior yg folow..
besides ade aktiviti yg best plus sukar untuk dlupai..
haha! ayat skema pulee..
tp kn..pling x thn time night walk..
sbb bdk laki spoil la..
g jln 3 org..senior dh ckp jln sorg2..
tp xnk dgr..
kn dh kene mrh..
ape la korg..
laki kene brani weyh..
tp aku ucap kn tahniah la kat bdk pompuan..
sbb xde yg spoilkn mood senior..
laki pn ok jgak..
cuma ade beberapa org je..
tp aku nk korg brubah..
ade explore race..msti perit kn korg kene ngn senior..
lagi2 check point satu..kene guling ke atas...dh la bukit..
ktorg bwat bbq sdp gak ayam kurang msak...
mlm kbudayaan is the best..
ade lakonan dr setiap kmpulan..
ade dikir barat..
cerita yg mrepek oleh senior form 5..tajuk nye buncitman..
cerita yg menarik dr senior form 4..ade dance duh..
hip hop n freestyler...
hri last plak..
ktorg g rmh 4 musim..
tp skrang musim bunga...
tp kn..
sejuk gler...
aku rse suhu dye 14 - 16 celcius
sejuk kn..
nnti aku tnjuk gmbr2 time kt bkt cerakah
tp pmandangan dlm tu cntek owh
serius gler weyh
tahun dpn nk g lg la..
ckgu jgn lupe invite saye..